Weekend Snapshot - August 31

Hey Everyone,

The last few years we have done a September fasting focus as we head into the new school year and programming seasons. This year our Free Methodist Bishops are calling on us to fast and pray together, so I am inviting you to join the larger Church as we do this together. Below is a message from our Bishops with the details. I hope that you will consider taking part in it!

See you this weekend,

Pastor John
Lead Pastor 
Calling the church to fasting and prayer is a vow every Free Methodist elder takes at their ordination. We, your bishops, are calling all to a month of fasting and prayer that will begin on Tuesday, September 3. Here's all the information you need to know to connect with this united effort:

"Seeking Together" is our theme as we unite in seeking the face of God around four weekly themes: Turning to God/Repentance, Awaken Your Church, The Next Generation, and Leaders in the Church/Society. We highly encourage the participation of as many Free Methodists as possible to give your voice to prayer and join the chorus as we seek God together.

Each day a video with Scripture, a devotional thought, and prayer will be presented from our Superintendents and other FM leaders. Included with their prayer will be prayer prompts for you to use to engage your own voice in added prayer. As you watch the video and pray, you will be joining others in our family who will be doing the same.

Receive it by email in your inbox. To do so, subscribe to the email list. SUBSCRIBE HERE 

Blessings to you, Keith Cowart, Kaye Kolde, Kenny Martin
The Board of Bishops of the FMCUSA

Need To Knows 

This Weekend:

  • Weekend Worship Services — Saturday, 6:00pm, Sunday, 9:30am & 11:00am — This weekend we be the final message in our three-week Faith & Culture series. I’m excited for you to hear from our awesome guest speaker this weekend!
  • Sunday Morning Prayer Group — Sunday, 9:30am — Meeting Room 4 — Join this faithful group that prays together for our weekend services and much more!
  • Don't Miss Out on Volunteer Opportunities! We invite you to check out our current volunteer opportunities in the lobby and see where you can say "yes!" Our greatest needs are in our Kids Ministry and Youth Ministry, so please consider signing up and making a difference.

The Week Ahead:

  • Labor Day — Monday — The Northgate office will be closed on September 2 for Labor Day.
  • Centered — Wednesday, September 4, 6:00pm - Centered is a slow paced and relaxed service of worship, prayer, and occasionally some light teaching.
  • Fall Kickoff  — September 7/8 It's Move-Up Day for our kids! Incoming kindergarteners will transition to the Kto4 room, and 5th graders will be joining BASE. BASE meets on Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM in Room 2/3 and on Wednesday nights at 6:00 PM at South Campus.

Coming Up:

  • Midweek Base Kickoff — Wednesday, September 11, 6:00pm-8:00pm, at our South Campus (350 Bank Street). For those in Grades 5-12. We will have pizza, snacks, and ice cream sandwiches to celebrate the kickoff and welcome our 5th grade students!
  • Primetimers — Thursday, September 12, 12:00pm — Primetimers is a group of 55+ year olds. Bring a dish to pass, plates and plasticware will be provided. Program by Rosalina as we begin Hispanic Heritage Month  (Sept 15 to Oct 15) Special greetings from guest missionaries. 
  • Man Camp — Friday, September 13 - Saturday, September 14 - It’s our third annual Man Camp in Northgate’s big backyard. Registration will be required and is available here
  • Justice Summit — Thursday, September 19 - Saturday, September 21 — Join me for the Free Methodist Justice Network Summit at Pearce Memorial FMC in North Chili.        Learn more here. Registration is available here.
  • Save The Date: Vintage Christmas - Thursday, December 5 & Friday, December 6 from 6:00-8:00pm in the pavilion and Northgate’s big back yard. Save one of the two dates and plan to join us for Northgate’s annual outdoor Christmas celebration!

Last Weekend Message

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