Northgate Cares 


At Northgate, we believe that being part of a church community means caring for one another.  Northgate Cares is a resource offering spiritual guidance and support through Biblical principles and prayer.

Please reach out to our Spiritual Guidance and Care Director who is ready and able to assist with any of the following and more:
  • Life Transitions
  • Emotional/ mental health concerns
  • Marriage mentoring
  • Financial distress
  • Chronic illness
  • Bereavement and care giver support
  • Substance Use/ Addiction

To set up a ministry appointment, please complete and submit the form below
If you have any questions contact our Spiritual Guidance and Care Director,  Andrea Moore or by calling the church office at (585)343-4011  


Spiritual Guidance and Care Request Form:


By signing your name below, you agree and understand the following statements:

I understand the meeting with the Spiritual Guidance and Care Director for an in-person session is not counseling or therapy. The support you will received is based on biblical principles and prayer.

I understand that all information shared on this form and during the ministry session will be kept confidential unless there is a safety concern and reason to believe you may harm yourself or someone else.

I understand and agree that, based on my challenges, I may be referred to a licensed professional in the community for support. I understand the spiritual guidance and support that I am receiving at Northgate is not a replacement for or alternative to counseling and/or therapy.

I give permission for my name and phone number to be stored in Planning Center Notebird for the purposes only pertaining to the care ministry at Northgate FMC.