Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
The mission of our church is to Bring people to Jesus Christ, Build them up in that relationship, and Send them out to change lives. Jesus sends us into the world to make a difference in our families, workplaces, local communities and the world. Ever since Jesus gave the apostles “The Great Commission” (Matthew 28:18-20) followers of Jesus have been seeking to share the good news about Jesus wherever he sends us.

Make disciples of all nations…
In the Free Methodist Church that often means participating in VISA. VISA stands for “Volunteers in Service Abroad.”
This can mean anything from a short-term mission trip of a week or two, or commitment to a longer period of service should God call you to that.
This website is designed to help you learn about what Northgate has already done in this area of missions, as well as what we are currently involved in and what we are planning in the future. As you browse through these pages, you will want to be in prayer for the individuals and projects that you read about, but you will also want to be in prayer, asking God how he’d like you to be involved. Going on a short-term, VISA mission trip can be a life-changing experience, opening our eyes to what God is doing around the world, challenging and strengthening our faith, and blessing us as we engage with Jesus’ call to “make disciples of all nations.”
This can mean anything from a short-term mission trip of a week or two, or commitment to a longer period of service should God call you to that.
This website is designed to help you learn about what Northgate has already done in this area of missions, as well as what we are currently involved in and what we are planning in the future. As you browse through these pages, you will want to be in prayer for the individuals and projects that you read about, but you will also want to be in prayer, asking God how he’d like you to be involved. Going on a short-term, VISA mission trip can be a life-changing experience, opening our eyes to what God is doing around the world, challenging and strengthening our faith, and blessing us as we engage with Jesus’ call to “make disciples of all nations.”
Our Connected Community
Gahanda, Rwanda
The relationship with Gahanda was pioneered by Pastor Vern Saile, as a potential for a way that Northgate could make a difference. The initial idea was to be able to allow congregants to sponsor 50 children. It has blossomed because of the hard work and dedication of Mark Logan, Pastor John Keller, Allison Lang and others stateside as well as the oversight of Ephaste Niygena, the ICCM regional coordinator for Rwanda. He provides amazing feedback as to the specific needs within the Connected Communities in his country. With him, we have been able to hone in our efforts to make the most impact possible. Since our partnership with Gahanda began in 2017, Northgate has helped bring significant transformation to the community. Together, we've supported education, improved infrastructure, and enhanced resources for local families and students.

Celebrating Our Partnership with Gahanda
- School Enhancements
- 1260 uniforms, 85 desks
- Library
- Playground - swing set & slide & spinner
- 6 classroom renovations, windows/doors. exterior, interior roof
- IT classroom - 4 computers, 3 printers
- 25 - 50lb suitcases of school supplies
- Public Water brought to the school with 3 access points
- Church Enhancements
- Built a Sanctuary, 1,200 capacity
- $2,700 for motorcycle for Pastor Alex to serve families in the hills
- 5 teams for 5 visits - exploratory, teacher training, pastoral
- Community Enhancements
- 6 miles of new water lines w/ 4 distribution points
- Trade school for sewing, 12 machines & carpentry
- Money raised to begin basketball court build
- 1 house for family in need completed - Sept. 2023 - land & house
- $24,000 for more homes - Next 10 families identified
- Additional $8,000 for more houses
- $5,500 to start the animal farm in honor of Cricket Seward
- 7 cows purchased for the school to supply milk for kids
- Rwanda women’s farm supplied with 9 pigs which have all farrowed
- $5,000 raised to purchase land to move and expand farm
- Health Enhancements
- Northgate currently Sponsors 240 children and growing!
- 2880 Washcloths crocheted by our congregants for the children
- 250 days for girls kits distributed to date
- Jonah’s clinic
- Our hope for Jonah's clinic is to identify the community with the most need - healthcare wise- as determined by the ICCM country director, and the bishop of the Rwandan FMC. The community/area will receive a clinic to meet needs for both children, and adults.
- Our hope for Jonah's clinic is to identify the community with the most need - healthcare wise- as determined by the ICCM country director, and the bishop of the Rwandan FMC. The community/area will receive a clinic to meet needs for both children, and adults.
Local Mission
All Babies Cherished – Northgate’s New Local Mission Partner
We are thrilled to announce that All Babies Cherished is now Northgate’s Local Mission Partner! This incredible organization provides critical support to moms, babies, and families in need, and we are excited to come alongside them in a bigger way. No matter where you land politically, supporting All Babies Cherished aligns with our deep belief in the value of all life—because every life is created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27). This partnership isn’t just about valuing the unborn; it’s about caring for mothers and families who often face significant challenges. As followers of Jesus, we are called to love and serve those in need, and this is a meaningful way we can live that out—offering real, tangible help right here in our community.
Salvation Army – Meeting Practical Needs
Northgate partners with the Salvation Army to support various programs that provide relief to those in need, including:
Habitat for Humanity – Building Hope
Northgate has had the privilege of being one of the host sites for Habitat for Humanity of Genesee County’s Women’s Build Day. More recently, we have participated in several build days and look forward to doing so again this year. Helping provide safe and stable housing is one way we show God’s love in action!
United Way – Serving Our Neighbors
Each spring, Northgate staff and volunteers participate in the United Way Day of Caring, working alongside other volunteer groups in our community. We’ve had the opportunity to serve at locations such as:
Great Day of Giving – Making an Impact
Each year, on the weekend before Thanksgiving, we hold The Great Day of Giving. During our worship services that weekend, we take a special offering that is divided into three parts:
We are thrilled to announce that All Babies Cherished is now Northgate’s Local Mission Partner! This incredible organization provides critical support to moms, babies, and families in need, and we are excited to come alongside them in a bigger way. No matter where you land politically, supporting All Babies Cherished aligns with our deep belief in the value of all life—because every life is created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27). This partnership isn’t just about valuing the unborn; it’s about caring for mothers and families who often face significant challenges. As followers of Jesus, we are called to love and serve those in need, and this is a meaningful way we can live that out—offering real, tangible help right here in our community.
Salvation Army – Meeting Practical Needs
Northgate partners with the Salvation Army to support various programs that provide relief to those in need, including:
- Emergency food distributions
- The Apple Tree program (helping families with school supplies)
- Angel Tree program (providing Christmas gifts and food to local families)
- Each Christmas season, we participate in the Angel Tree program, sponsoring kids and ensuring they receive gifts and holiday meals. In addition, our South Campus serves as the distribution site for the entire Angel Tree program, making a direct impact on families in our area.
Habitat for Humanity – Building Hope
Northgate has had the privilege of being one of the host sites for Habitat for Humanity of Genesee County’s Women’s Build Day. More recently, we have participated in several build days and look forward to doing so again this year. Helping provide safe and stable housing is one way we show God’s love in action!
United Way – Serving Our Neighbors
Each spring, Northgate staff and volunteers participate in the United Way Day of Caring, working alongside other volunteer groups in our community. We’ve had the opportunity to serve at locations such as:
- Genesee County Office for the Aging
- Crossroads House
- Grandview Cemetery
- This is a wonderful way to give back, build relationships, and make a lasting impact in our community.
Great Day of Giving – Making an Impact
Each year, on the weekend before Thanksgiving, we hold The Great Day of Giving. During our worship services that weekend, we take a special offering that is divided into three parts:
- 1/3 supports three local nonprofits
- 1/3 supports global missions that Northgate partners with
- 1/3 goes toward capital projects at Northgate
FM Missions
The Free Methodist Church was formed in 1860 and in 1881 Ernest Fremont Ward became the first FM foreign missionary, serving Christ with his wife and three daughters in India. Since then FM missions has spread around the world, with missionaries now serving in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.
You can learn more about this work at the FM Missions website: http://fmcusa.org/fmmissions/
Northgate Church is committed to participating in world missions in a variety of ways.
Currently we are focusing our efforts in two world areas: Northern Europe and Gahanda, Rwanda.
In addition we support financially and prayerfully those called to long-term mission work in other areas of the world.
In order to help you know who we support and the work that they are doing, we are providing these links to their webpages.
You can learn more about this work at the FM Missions website: http://fmcusa.org/fmmissions/
Northgate Church is committed to participating in world missions in a variety of ways.
Currently we are focusing our efforts in two world areas: Northern Europe and Gahanda, Rwanda.
In addition we support financially and prayerfully those called to long-term mission work in other areas of the world.
In order to help you know who we support and the work that they are doing, we are providing these links to their webpages.