Our Story...
Our journey began in April 1861, when B.T. Roberts gathered 38 members to form the Batavia Society of Free Methodism. With hope and purpose, the society purchased the Holland Land Office in 1880. But by 1890, attendance had dwindled, and the Batavia Society was declared ‘dead.’
Yet, the story didn’t end there. Watson Bullock, an ex-slave, continued to hold meetings at another location. By 1893, the Batavia Society was revived and purchased a church building at Linwood and Ellicott Streets.
The church thrived, and by 1964-65, it had grown so much that the congregation moved to a new home at 350 Bank Street—now our Northgate Youth & Community Center. By 1998, our attendance swelled to around 300, and in 2002, we took another big step, purchasing the property at 8160 Bank Street Road, where we continue to grow and serve today.
Yet, the story didn’t end there. Watson Bullock, an ex-slave, continued to hold meetings at another location. By 1893, the Batavia Society was revived and purchased a church building at Linwood and Ellicott Streets.
The church thrived, and by 1964-65, it had grown so much that the congregation moved to a new home at 350 Bank Street—now our Northgate Youth & Community Center. By 1998, our attendance swelled to around 300, and in 2002, we took another big step, purchasing the property at 8160 Bank Street Road, where we continue to grow and serve today.
Our Mission…
Our mission is to “Bring people to Jesus Christ, Build them up in that relationship and Send them out to share His love.“
These are the things we consider to be most important in the way we conduct our ministry at Northgate. These values set our direction, guide our decisions and characterize our behavior and attitudes.
Worship is more that just "church," but we gather weekly for worship to center our lives on Jesus in community with others. Gathering together are times of encouragement, engagement and inspiration to pursue the Kingdom of God (1 Timothy 4:13). Every Element is focused on bring us into the presence of God and thus inviting life transformation.
Spiritual Growth
Growing in faith happens best within community so we mature as disciples through community groups (Hebrews 10:25) marked by transparent relationships. Also through Bible reading and application & passionate prayer. People who choose to participate will love God and other people better. Parents are encouraged, equipped to teach & model faith to their children.
Jesus taught us to serve one another as a tangible expression of love. God has blessed us to be a blessing to others (Genesis 12) and God chooses to accomplish His work through ordinary people regardless of gender, race, age, social status, ect. We serve both the people of the church and those in our community.
Sharing Faith
Jesus taught us to pray for God's Kingdom to come and his will to be done on Earth like it is in Heaven. (Matthew 6:10) and told Peter that the gates of Hades wouldn't stand against His Church (Matthew 16). Our mission is to participate in bring about God's Kingdom to Earth here and now, not to provide a comfortable place for saved people to hang out in a "holy huddle" until Christ's return. Jesus modeled this missional living for us and with the Spirit's help we will follow His example (Luke 5:27-32)
We Value…
• Biblical - We believe the Bible as the divinely inspired word of God, for humankind, of all time.
- Relational - We value relationships characterized by honesty, openness and vulnerability.
- Christ-likeness - We assist facilitation lifelong spiritual growth in followers of Jesus Christ.
- Missional - We value making the Gospel relevant to our culture and community.
- Worshipful - We celebrate God and what God is doing.
- Caring - We are a church that believes in the power of prayer.
- Intergenerational - We value teaching children and young people to know and love God.
Be a part of our story...
See you this weekend! Saturday at 6:00PM OR Sunday at 9:30AM and 11:00AM.

Learn more about the doctrine and beliefs of the
Free Methodist Church.
Free Methodist Church.