Top Ten - March 3
This is a communion weekend. If you’re joining us online Sunday at 9:30, please have your communion elements ready before the service! And let’s prepare our hearts to be ready to receive communion together. Thanks!
If you’d like to help out in some area in the church contact Pastor John at If you’re interested in a small group, contact Angelique at
1. Prime Timers Resumes Next Week (Thursday March 9) – This Seniors luncheon takes place in the Café at North at noon. This month we’re going to enjoy a meal of pancakes, sausage, bacon, quiche and more! The food will be provided - just bring a place setting. And there will be a program by one of our Northgate attenders who runs a maple syrup business. We hope to see you there if you are in the 50+ group!
2. Lenten Collection for the YWCA – During the season of Lent we will be collecting items that the YWCA Domestic Violence program needs to serve people that reach out to them. Each week we’ll be asking people to bring different things to North or South and we will deliver them to the YWCA. Here’s the schedule for what’s being collected:
3. Save the Dates – There are some events coming up for which you may want to save the date.
4. Northgate Prayer & Care Team Welcomes Two New Members – Thank you to the two individuals who have joined the Care Team this past week. We really appreciate that! Expanding the size of this important team helps us to be better at reaching out to people with the love of Jesus. If you’d like to know more about the Care Team and get involved, contact Karen VanWyngaarden at
5. Parenting Adult Children – Debbie Vick is leading this class at 9:30 on Sunday mornings. The first 6 weeks will be video sessions with Chip Ingram and Jim Burns called “Navigating Life with Adult Children.” Then 9 weeks of reviewing each chapter of Jim Burn’s book Doing Life with Your Adult Children (subtitled: Keep your Mouth Shut & the Welcome Mat Out.) If you have any questions, please contact Angelique at
6. Women’s Base Group – A new women’s meeting has just begun at South. This will run during the Teen’s Base time on Wednesday nights at 6pm so it’s perfect for any moms dropping off their children for Base. Even if you don’t have a child attending Base, if you are looking to be part of a new women’s group, consider checking this one out. For more information contact Allison at
7. Young Ladies’ Small Group – A new group for young women has begun and meets on the 2nd/4th Tuesdays at 5:30. For more information contact Angelique at
8. Pray First! For Lent – Angelique is also organizing a church-wide study for Lent based on the book Pray First by Chris Hodges. We’re encouraging as many as possible to consider reading this book individually or as a group. If you’d like to organize a group study Angelique can help you with resources – just let her know at We’d like to see these groups start by February 26.
9. Listening to the Language of the Bible – Rick and Sara Kent are leading a study of some Hebrew words that Jesus would have used, which, by understanding their meaning better will enrich our understanding of the Bible. This will be a fun and informative study and it begins this Sunday at 9:30. For more information contact Angelique at
10a. Would You Like to Work on Your Spanish Skills? – Rosalina has begun helping interested people to increase their Spanish language skills. Whether you have some knowledge in Spanish, or have none but would like to learn, you are welcome. This group meets at noon on Wednesdays at North.
10b. Help Wanted – If you have the gift of hospitality and interest in serving others in a Cafe setting, we are looking for people to be in on the rotation for the Saturday Evening
Cafe. For more information contact Patti Chadwick at or 585-297-3009.
10c. Help Wanted (Part 2) – If you are looking for a way to serve others in the community, here are a couple of very good opportunities.
You Can Count on This – Ephesians 2:8-9 – For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. (Read Ephesians 2:1-22)
There are certain verses that every Christian should work on memorizing, or at the least, be very familiar with and know where to find them in the Bible. These two verses are among those. Why? Because in these two verses Paul, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, captures a very important aspect of our salvation in a very succinct way.
We are saved (from eternal death, from condemnation, from Hell) by grace (God’s goodness expressed to us) through faith (our trust in Jesus and in what He has done for us). This is not from us (we didn’t bring about our own salvation; God made it possible). It is the gift of God - not by works (we don’t earn our salvation by what we do; God offers it to us; He “paid” for it with Jesus’ death on the cross and gifts it to us by grace through faith) so that no one can boast (no one can say, “I’m so worthy of God’s love and grace and mercy that He had to save me”).
When we gain an understanding of what Paul is saying here it causes us to give God more and more glory - to rejoice in who God is and what He has done for us in Christ. If these verses are new to you, I encourage you to get very familiar with them. Write them out. Memorize them. Think about them. If you already know them well, meditate on them again. And let’s prayerfully thank God for what He has done.
When you’re not sure what you can count on in the world around you, know this: You can count on God keeping his word. So read what God has to say in scripture! And count on it.
If you’d like to help out in some area in the church contact Pastor John at If you’re interested in a small group, contact Angelique at
1. Prime Timers Resumes Next Week (Thursday March 9) – This Seniors luncheon takes place in the Café at North at noon. This month we’re going to enjoy a meal of pancakes, sausage, bacon, quiche and more! The food will be provided - just bring a place setting. And there will be a program by one of our Northgate attenders who runs a maple syrup business. We hope to see you there if you are in the 50+ group!
2. Lenten Collection for the YWCA – During the season of Lent we will be collecting items that the YWCA Domestic Violence program needs to serve people that reach out to them. Each week we’ll be asking people to bring different things to North or South and we will deliver them to the YWCA. Here’s the schedule for what’s being collected:
- 3/4 & 5 – Dishwashing liquid
- 3/11 & 12 – Hand soap/laundry soap
- 3/18 & 19 – Paper towels & washcloths
- 3/25 &26 – Shampoo & Conditioner
- 4/1 & 2 – Body wash/soap
3. Save the Dates – There are some events coming up for which you may want to save the date.
- A new couple’s group will begin at North on Sunday March 19
- The “IF” Gathering will be held here (by video) on Friday April 21 and Saturday April 22; Registration is available on the Northgate website
- Kid’s Summer Camp at Northgate will take place from July 17 to July 21
4. Northgate Prayer & Care Team Welcomes Two New Members – Thank you to the two individuals who have joined the Care Team this past week. We really appreciate that! Expanding the size of this important team helps us to be better at reaching out to people with the love of Jesus. If you’d like to know more about the Care Team and get involved, contact Karen VanWyngaarden at
5. Parenting Adult Children – Debbie Vick is leading this class at 9:30 on Sunday mornings. The first 6 weeks will be video sessions with Chip Ingram and Jim Burns called “Navigating Life with Adult Children.” Then 9 weeks of reviewing each chapter of Jim Burn’s book Doing Life with Your Adult Children (subtitled: Keep your Mouth Shut & the Welcome Mat Out.) If you have any questions, please contact Angelique at
6. Women’s Base Group – A new women’s meeting has just begun at South. This will run during the Teen’s Base time on Wednesday nights at 6pm so it’s perfect for any moms dropping off their children for Base. Even if you don’t have a child attending Base, if you are looking to be part of a new women’s group, consider checking this one out. For more information contact Allison at
7. Young Ladies’ Small Group – A new group for young women has begun and meets on the 2nd/4th Tuesdays at 5:30. For more information contact Angelique at
8. Pray First! For Lent – Angelique is also organizing a church-wide study for Lent based on the book Pray First by Chris Hodges. We’re encouraging as many as possible to consider reading this book individually or as a group. If you’d like to organize a group study Angelique can help you with resources – just let her know at We’d like to see these groups start by February 26.
9. Listening to the Language of the Bible – Rick and Sara Kent are leading a study of some Hebrew words that Jesus would have used, which, by understanding their meaning better will enrich our understanding of the Bible. This will be a fun and informative study and it begins this Sunday at 9:30. For more information contact Angelique at
10a. Would You Like to Work on Your Spanish Skills? – Rosalina has begun helping interested people to increase their Spanish language skills. Whether you have some knowledge in Spanish, or have none but would like to learn, you are welcome. This group meets at noon on Wednesdays at North.
- Learning another language can help us feel more confident in interacting with people of another culture.
- At Easter time and Thanksgiving, we deliver special bags of food to migrant families in our area. And in the summer, we make water deliveries to people working in the fields. Everyone is welcome to be part of this.
- Pre-Covid we held an English as a Second Language class for Spanish-speakers in our area. We’d love to see that restarted. If you are interested in being part of that contact Pastor Vern at
- And please note that Rosalina is preparing to offer translation again for our worship services. If you know of someone who could benefit from that contact Pastor Vern for details on when that will begin.
10b. Help Wanted – If you have the gift of hospitality and interest in serving others in a Cafe setting, we are looking for people to be in on the rotation for the Saturday Evening
Cafe. For more information contact Patti Chadwick at or 585-297-3009.
10c. Help Wanted (Part 2) – If you are looking for a way to serve others in the community, here are a couple of very good opportunities.
- Crossroads House – Crossroads provides comfort care to people who have been given a life-limiting diagnosis. There is a need for more volunteers to provide this loving care to individuals and their families. To learn more about Crossroads House you can go to their website:
- CASA – CASA stands for “Court Appointed Special Advocates.” Volunteers with CASA advocate for children that have been removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect. Training is provided for all volunteers and no specific background or experience is required. To learn more about CASA visit their website at
You Can Count on This – Ephesians 2:8-9 – For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. (Read Ephesians 2:1-22)
There are certain verses that every Christian should work on memorizing, or at the least, be very familiar with and know where to find them in the Bible. These two verses are among those. Why? Because in these two verses Paul, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, captures a very important aspect of our salvation in a very succinct way.
We are saved (from eternal death, from condemnation, from Hell) by grace (God’s goodness expressed to us) through faith (our trust in Jesus and in what He has done for us). This is not from us (we didn’t bring about our own salvation; God made it possible). It is the gift of God - not by works (we don’t earn our salvation by what we do; God offers it to us; He “paid” for it with Jesus’ death on the cross and gifts it to us by grace through faith) so that no one can boast (no one can say, “I’m so worthy of God’s love and grace and mercy that He had to save me”).
When we gain an understanding of what Paul is saying here it causes us to give God more and more glory - to rejoice in who God is and what He has done for us in Christ. If these verses are new to you, I encourage you to get very familiar with them. Write them out. Memorize them. Think about them. If you already know them well, meditate on them again. And let’s prayerfully thank God for what He has done.
When you’re not sure what you can count on in the world around you, know this: You can count on God keeping his word. So read what God has to say in scripture! And count on it.
Posted in Top 10
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