Posts with the category “top-10”

Top Ten - July 18
by Vern Saile on July 18th, 2024
1. Pray for Our Costa Rica Team – About 20 our youth and adult leaders are heading to Costa Rica this Saturday to minister to people there. Pastor DL has been working hard to get this team ready to go and they are. Please be in prayer for safe travel there and back, health as they serve, wonderful experiences with the people of Costa Rica, effective ministry and especially for eyes to be opened to...  Read More
Top Ten - June 27
by Vern Saile on June 27th, 2024
1. Kid’s Camp! – Registration is open for the Northgate Kid’s Camp – “Set Sail” – which is taking place this July, from the 15th through the 19th. Kid’s Camp is open to all children from the age of 4 through those who will be entering 4th grade in September. Camp runs from 9-3pm Monday through Thursday and 9-1pm on Friday and lunch is included. To register for camp, visit the “Register” page at  n...  Read More
Top Ten - June 20
by Vern Saile on June 20th, 2024
1. Northgate Missions Group – Pastor Chris is organizing a Northgate Missions Group. This group will be involved in planning and supporting events that are a part of Northgate's involvement in local and global missions. For example, this group will help organize special events when we host missionaries from Free Methodist World Missions and work with our local partners to participate in events suc...  Read More
Top Ten - June 13
by Vern Saile on June 13th, 2024
1. Baseball Night in Batavia – On Wednesday, June 19 we are inviting everyone to come out to the ballpark in Batavia and enjoy a baseball game. What makes this a special night is that one of our young people will be singing the National Anthem and our K-4 kids will be singing God Bless America. Tickets are $7 a piece and you’ll be able to register for this soon on our website or our app.2. Thank Y...  Read More
Top Ten - June 6
by Vern Saile on June 6th, 2024
1. Playground Work Week – We are so close to completing the work on the playground! Mulch will be coming in; swings are here and ready to be installed… there are just a few more things to do and we hope to finish most of that this next week. We’re scheduling another work week next week, Monday through Friday. The work starts around nine and goes until lunchtime (lunch is provided). If you’ve been ...  Read More
Top Ten - May 15
by Vern Saile on May 15th, 2024
1. The Summit – This is our annual church meeting (Society meeting for you long-time Free Methodists!) and we will hold this during our worship services this coming weekend. We’ll take some time to celebrate the things that God has been doing around Northgate and what we envision God doing here as we move forward. We also will be voting for our administrative team (the A-Team) and the Nominating T...  Read More
Top Ten - May 2
by Vern Saile on May 2nd, 2024
1. Last Weekend We Celebrated! – This past weekend we had the joy of celebrating a baby dedication, eight baptisms, and 12 new members to Northgate. That’s in addition to other baby/child dedications we’ve had recently, and several other people who are ready to become members as well. What a wonderful testimony to what God is doing here through all of you! Several of the new members specifically m...  Read More
Top Ten - April 25
by Vern Saile on April 25th, 2024
1. Celebrating Baptisms, Dedications, and New Members This Weekend – This coming weekend we will have the opportunity to do a lot of celebrating in our worship services! We have a number of people getting baptized, a dedication and many people becoming members of Northgate. Please come ready to rejoice in these good things and if you have a “This Changes Everything” shirt, this is a great weekend ...  Read More
Top Ten - April 18
by Vern Saile on April 18th, 2024
1. Family Photos With a Purpose – On May 11 and 12, the weekend of Mother’s Day, we will be offering a chance to have a photo taken by a Northgate volunteer photographer. Donations for this will be accepted which will be used to support a women’s farm in Gahanda – one of the new missions activities taking place in our Connected Community there.Please note: We could use a few more people willing to...  Read More
Top Ten - April 12
by Vern Saile on April 12th, 2024
1. Costa Rica Breakfast – This Saturday from 9:00-10:30 our Costa Rica mission trip participants will be hosting a traditional Costa Rican Breakfast of Gallo Pinto, along with pancakes and some of the world's best Costa Rican coffee. Ample seating will be available in our gym at the South Campus for you to relax and savor breakfast while learning more about this trip. For those with limited time, ...  Read More
Top Ten - April 4
by Vern Saile on April 4th, 2024
1. Costa Rica Breakfast – On April 13 from 9:00-10:30 our Costa Rica mission trip participants will be hosting a traditional Costa Rican Breakfast of Gallo Pinto, along with pancakes and some of the world's best Costa Rican coffee. Ample seating will be available in our gym at the South Campus for you to relax and savor breakfast while learning more about this trip. For those with limited time, we...  Read More
Top Ten - March 28
by Vern Saile on March 28th, 2024
1. Easter Week Services – We are excited to celebrate Easter with you here at Northgate. We celebrate our risen Savior and all that that means for us as followers of Jesus. Join us for one of the following services this week!Arbor House will have a time of reflection tonight, Maundy Thursday, from 6-8pm where you can explore the stations of the cross at your own pace.Arbor House will also be holdi...  Read More
Top Ten - March 21
by Vern Saile on March 21st, 2024
1. Easter Week Services – We are excited to celebrate Easter with you here at Northgate. We celebrate our risen Savior and all that that means for us as followers of Jesus. Join us for one of the following services!Arbor House will have a time of reflection on Maundy Thursday from 6-8pm where you can explore the stations of the cross at your own pace.Arbor House will also be holding a Good Friday ...  Read More
Top Ten - March 7
by Vern Saile on March 7th, 2024
1. Easter Week Services – We are excited to celebrate Easter with you here at Northgate. We celebrate our risen Savior and all that that means for us as followers of Jesus. Join us for one of the following services!Arbor House will have a time of reflection on Maundy Thursday from 6-8pm where you can explore the stations of the cross at your own pace.Arbor House will also be holding a Good Friday ...  Read More
Top Ten - February 29
by Vern Saile on February 29th, 2024
Reminders We’ll be observing communion this weekend in all of our services. Next Wednesday, March 6, is our “Centered” night of prayer and worship at 6pm1. New Caregivers Group – Warren and Nancy Savage will be leading a new session of the Caregivers group beginning on Tuesday, March 5 at North. The group will meet at 6:30pm. If you would like more information about it, please contact Angelique at...  Read More
Top Ten - February 22
by Vern Saile on February 22nd, 2024
1. A Conversation About Faith and Sexuality – Grace/Truth is a ten-week group learning experience that introduces Christians to LGBT+ people, the language to use and avoid, a theologically faithful view of marriage and sexuality, and practical guidance on how to embody the love of Christ toward sexual and gender minorities.  Grace/Truth meets in Room #1 at 6:30 PM on Monday nights as is led by Ral...  Read More
Top Ten - February 15
by Vern Saile on February 15th, 2024
1. Bottle Collection for Costa Rica Mission Team – This summer, Northgate's youth ministry is embarking on a short-term mission trip to Costa Rica from July 20-28th. As a fundraiser for this exciting venture, the group has organized a bottle and can drive. It's an easy and practical way to support the team. Simply bring your empty bottles and cans to North anytime the church is open, Monday-Thursd...  Read More
Top Ten - February 8
by Vern Saile on February 8th, 2024
1. “This Changes Everything” Baptism Weekend – We have a group of people planning to be baptized this weekend. Baptism is one of the ways we demonstrate our commitment to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Please be sure to encourage them and pray for them as they make this public expression of their faith in Jesus! And if you have a “This Changes Everything” shirt – this is a great weekend to wear it!2...  Read More
Top Ten - February 1
by Vern Saile on February 1st, 2024
Please be aware… The weekend coming up is a communion weekend at North (as well as at Arbor House). If you will be joining us online, please have your communion elements ready, and let’s all prepare our hearts to take communion in remembrance of the love and sacrifice of Jesus!1. “This Changes Everything” Baptism Weekend – We have a group of people planning to be baptized the weekend of 2/10-11. B...  Read More
Top Ten - January 25
by Vern Saile on January 25th, 2024
1. “This Changes Everything” Baptism Weekend – We have a group of people planning to be baptized the weekend of 2/10-11. Baptism is one of the ways we demonstrate our commitment to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. If you would like to join these individuals in expressing your love for Christ that weekend through baptism, please let Pastor John know at Costa Rica Missions Trip ...  Read More
Top Ten - January 18
by Vern Saile on January 18th, 2024
1. “This Changes Everything” Baptism Weekend – We have a group of people planning to be baptized the weekend of 2/10-11. Baptism is one of the ways we demonstrate our commitment to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. If you would like to join these individuals in expressing your love for Christ that weekend through baptism, please let Pastor John know at Bible Reading Plans – The...  Read More
Top Ten - January 11
by Vern Saile on January 11th, 2024
1. Bible Reading Plans – The start of a new year is always a good time to start aBible reading habit, if you don’t already have one. If you are looking for a Bible reading plan to follow you can find many on the internet. Here are a couple of trustworthy sites to check out that have a few available: or  Read More
Top Ten - January 4
by Vern Saile on January 4th, 2024
1. Communion This Weekend – We’ll be receiving communion in all of our services this weekend. Let’s prepare our hearts and, if you will be joining us on-line, prepare your juice and bread so you can participate in communion with us!2. Bible Reading Plans – The start of a new year is always a good time to start a Bible reading habit, if you don’t already have one. If you are looking for a Bible rea...  Read More
Top Ten - December 21
by Vern Saile on December 21st, 2023
1. Services for Christmas Eve Weekend – Christmas is coming up next week and we want to be sure everyone knows what the schedule will look like for our Christmas Eve weekend services at Northgate.On Saturday at 6pm we will have a “Cookies and Carols” service which will include a lot of singing and some meditations and time of fellowship.On Sunday (Christmas Eve) at 10am we will have our Family/Chi...  Read More
Top Ten - December 14
by Vern Saile on December 14th, 2023
1. Pancakes and PJs – Our Children’s ministry team is planning a fun event for children in K-4 and their potty-trained younger siblings. Wear your pancakes and bring your pajamas… no, wait, I mean wear your pajamas and come enjoy some pancakes! This happens this coming Saturday, December 16 from 10-noon and if you want more information contact Becca – Flower City Work Cam...  Read More
Top Ten - December 7
by Vern Saile on December 7th, 2023
Vintage Christmas is tonight (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday) night from 6-8pm. Hope you can come out for a bit as we begin our celebration of Christmas!1. “Centered” Next Wednesday – If you would appreciate some time in the middle of the week to just “Be still and know that I am God” you might enjoy coming on Wednesday December 13 at 6pm our monthly time of prayer and worship midweek. Normally th...  Read More
Top Ten - November 30
by Vern Saile on November 30th, 2023
1. “Centered” Date Change for December – Northgate is hosting Turner’s annual service of remembrance this year on Wednesday, December 6. That means we need to move the Centered prayer and worship service for the month of December only. We’ll have Centered on the second Wednesday, December 13 at 6pm. Please pass this on to anyone you know who might miss the announcement. Thanks!2. Flower City Work ...  Read More
Top Ten - November 16
by Vern Saile on November 16th, 2023
1. Great Day of Giving – This weekend we’ll receive this special offering. It will be divided three ways: world missions, local missions and capital improvement. The local missions that we will be blessing this year will be All Babies Cherished, Habitat for Humanity, Care-a-Van and Angel Gowns. Please pray and consider how you might want to give this year. Thank you!2. Flower City Work Camp 2024 –...  Read More
Top Ten - November 9
by Vern Saile on November 9th, 2023
1. Veteran’s Dinner – We’d like to show our love and appreciation for Veterans and their guest, and for those who currently serve our country in one of the Armed Forces and their guest: Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard or National Guard. We’ll be hosting a dinner to honor these individuals on November 16. For planning purposes we’d appreciate knowing how many might attend s...  Read More
Top Ten - November 2
by Vern Saile on November 2nd, 2023
This weekend we will be observing communion in all our worship services.1. Veteran’s Dinner – We’d like to show our love and appreciation for Veterans and their guest, and for those who currently serve our country in one of the Armed Forces and their guest: Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard or National Guard. We’ll be hosting a dinner to honor these individuals on November 1...  Read More
Top Ten - October 25
by Vern Saile on October 25th, 2023
Next Wednesday, November 1, is the first Wednesday of the month and that’s when we have our “Centered” night of prayer and worship. We meet at 6pm in the sanctuary at North.1. Coat Drive – Maybe you’ve been cleaning out your closets, pulling out the sweaters and coats to prepare for the changing season, and you’ve discovered some coats that you don’t think you’ll be wearing again. Bring them here ...  Read More
Top Ten - October 19
by Vern Saile on October 19th, 2023
1. Kids Night This Saturday – Our Children’s Ministry leaders are planning a Kids Night for this Saturday, October 21, from 5:30-7:30. This will be for kids in Kto4 and their potty-trained younger siblings. Moms and dads, let us care for your children while you enjoy a 2-hour date night! For more information contact Becca – Gatherings for Moms…MOPS meets on the 2nd/4th Tu...  Read More
Top Ten - October 12
by Vern Saile on October 12th, 2023
1. Carol McLeod Conference – This Friday and Saturday Carol McLeod will be here to lead a conference for women of all ages. It’s not too late to register (in fact, you can register at the door). If you would like to register ahead of time, you can do so on the Northgate website, Or click here… Gatherings for Mom...  Read More
Top Ten - October 5
by Vern Saile on October 5th, 2023
If you’d like to help out in some area in the church contact Pastor John at now, we would really benefit from having more help in the Children's wing. If you can help even one hour every other month that would be huge!)If you’re interested in a small group, contact Angelique at Carol McLeod Conference – Ladies, it’s time to register for th...  Read More
Top Ten - September 28
by Vern Saile on September 28th, 2023
Next Wednesday, October 4, is the first Wednesday of the month and that means it’s a “Centered” night. We meet at 6pm in the North sanctuary for a time of prayer and worship.If you’d like to help out in some area in the church contact Pastor John at (Right now we would really benefit from having more help in the Children's wing. If you can help even one hour every other mont...  Read More
Top Ten - September 21
by Vern Saile on September 21st, 2023
If you’d like to help out in some area in the church contact Pastor John at you’re interested in a small group, contact Angelique at First Responder Appreciation Picnic – Thank you to all of the people who volunteered their time and energies to put on the “First Responder Appreciation Picnic” this past Saturday. And thank you to those who deli...  Read More
Top Ten - September 14
by Vern Saile on September 14th, 2023
If you’d like to help out in some area in the church contact Pastor John at you’re interested in a small group, contact Angelique at First Responder Appreciation Picnic – We respect and appreciate all of the men and women who serve others by responding to emergencies, including law enforcement situations, fires and medical emergencies. We want...  Read More
Top Ten - September 7
by Vern Saile on September 7th, 2023
With the start of a new church calendar year there is a lot going on. So, the “Top Ten” this week is more like a “Top Fifteen”! If you need more information on any of what follows, please let us know. Thanks!If you’d like to help out in some area in the church contact Pastor John at you’re interested in a small group, contact Angelique at Prim...  Read More
Top Ten - September 2
by Vern Saile on September 2nd, 2023
Reminder: As this is the first weekend of the month we will be observing communion in all of our services.Also, “Centered” is happening next Wednesday at 6pm in the North Sanctuary.If you’d like to help out in some area in the church contact Pastor John at you’re interested in a small group, contact Angelique at September Fasting – Each of the...  Read More
Top Ten - August 24
by Vern Saile on August 24th, 2023
If you’d like to help out in some area in the church contact Pastor John at you’re interested in a small group, contact Angelique at MOPs is Planning For This Year – MOPS is not just Mothers of Preschoolers – it is for all Moms! We’re kicking off another great year of fellowship and fun on Tuesday September 26 from 6-8pm. MOPS is also includin...  Read More