Top Ten - February 3
1. Communion – We participate in communion the first weekend of each month at the North Campus of Northgate. Arbor House has a communion service every week. Communion reminds us of the sacrifice Jesus made for us and His promise to return one day. Through partaking in communion, we recognize our unity with Jesus and with one another. We are encouraged to take communion regularly, and the next opportunity at North will be this weekend, February 5-6. If you are joining us online, you’ll want to have your elements ready for Sunday!
2. Red Cross Blood Drive – There is a great need for blood in our area and you can help by donating today (Thursday, 2/3) at our South Campus from 1-6pm. I’ve also heard that they are giving out $10 Amazon gift cards to everyone who donates. Even more reason to help save a life through blood donation!
3. Kids Takeover Weekend – The weekend of Feb 12/13 our Children’s Ministry Team and the kids they minister to will be engaged in various parts of our worship service. They have been preparing for this over the past few weeks and we are excited to encourage and affirm them, and to be ministered to by them! This weekend is one of the ways we seek to live out our core value of being an “intergenerational church.” We hope to see many of you here, if you are able to make it, to support and appreciate our Northgate kids and their leaders. Thanks!
4. Grief Share – There’s a new Grief Share group forming. It begins on February 15 and runs from 6-8:30 at 34 Williams Street in Batavia. Contact John Chadwick at 585-297-3009 or Patti Chadwick at for more information.
5. Connecting – We are always interested in helping attenders of our church to connect with others who may share a similar interest or experience. This is one of the ways we grow stronger. For example, we have a Caregivers group for people who provide care to an elderly adult. We have a Pickleball group that meets to play pickleball midweek. These are just two examples, and if you want to know more about them or other gatherings, just contact the church office at 343-4011.
We are also looking to expand our ability to help people connect. This is where you can help us. Perhaps you’ve been through something in life (raising a strong-willed child, wrestling through a difficult faith question, e.g.) and God taught you some valuable
things during that time, and you’d be willing to share that experience with others. Or maybe you have an interest that you’d like to be able to engage in with others (gardening, quilting, e.g.). Pastor Marsha is seeking to help link people up in these ways. Please contact her to share your thoughts on this or to find out more about it. You can reach her at
6. Carol McLeod Conference – We’re excited to announce that Carol McLeod will be joining us for a weekend this Fall (October 14/15). Carol will lead a women’s conference called “Authentic Faith: Embracing Genuine Faith When Life is Upside Down.” Carol is a well-known and much-loved Bible teacher, and we know this will be a blessing. This will be a wonderful event to which you can invite a friend! More details will be coming in the next few months.
7. Perspectives – Perspectives is a Biblical worldview course that is being offered on-line through Zoom. The course takes place on Monday nights from 6:30-9:30 and registration is required. You can learn more here:
8. Parenting Adult Children – Debbie Vick will facilitate a second rendition of the small group for parents based on the book Doing Life with Your Adult Children by Jim Burns. People who participated in this the first time found it really helpful. If you’d like to be part of this one, the group will meet in Room 2/3 from 8:30-9:30am starting this Sunday, February 6.
9. Women’s group/Men’s group – If you are looking to meet other people and learn and grow together, we have a women’s group and a men’s group meeting on Wednesday nights at 7.
The Women’s group (Women's Journey) just started a new 8-week study (as of February 2) called "Starting Point: A Conversation About Faith" by Andy Stanley. Beth Beale will facilitate. Women at all ages and stages of faith and life are encouraged to join us at North Campus on Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30pm. Contact Pastor Marsha for information about this small group – and others, including the one you feel led to start:
The Men’s group is planning a special event on February 19th – a men's breakfast at Cartwrights Maple Tree Inn near Angelica NY. Meet at Northgate/North at 7:45am and carpool at 8:00am from there. Mike (the group leader) is looking into getting a 12-passenger van for that day.
10. Care Team – Would you like to be part of a group that ministers to people through prayer and meeting practical needs? This really terrific group of people make sure that every prayer request that comes in is prayed over, cards are sent out to people who can’t get out or who need encouragement and practical needs are addressed whenever possible. If you’d like to be a part of this vital ministry please contact Pastor Marsha at
To learn more about these opportunities, or to suggest an idea for a group or a gathering, or to inquire about reserving space at the church or the pavilion you can always email the office ( or call 343-4011. You can check out our website too (
You Can Count on This – Romans 7:25 – Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! (Read Romans 7:7-25)
The verse I cite above is wonderful when read all by itself. But read it in context and it’s more than wonderful! It’s incredible! Praiseworthy! Outstanding! Mind-blowing! Fantastic! It’s all that and more! Because this verse of thanksgiving comes at the end of a passage in which Paul is writing about the power of sin in our lives. There is some discussion around whether Paul writes this about his wrestling with sin before his conversion to Christ, or after. I’ve always felt it reflected his (and our) ongoing struggles with sin after our conversion to Christ. Because though our sins are forgiven and we are saved by faith, we can still struggle against the sinful nature even as God through the Holy Spirit is making us the holy and righteous people He sees us as through Jesus.
Struggle with the sinful nature can be discouraging. But in a way it’s also affirming! We wouldn’t struggle if we didn’t know that sin is a bad thing, contrary to God’s will for us. And though we may struggle, we can also be assured that God is at work eradicating the sinful nature in us and making us increasingly like Jesus, if we will cooperate with Him in that work. This is why Paul ends this passage by shouting out his praise to God! Because although we may live on this earth in a body that wrestles with sin, we have been rescued from our sinful nature by the love, faithfulness and sacrifice of Jesus our Savior! Thanks be to God indeed!
When you’re not sure what you can count on in the world around you, know this: You can count on God keeping his word. So read what God has to say in scripture! And count on it.
2. Red Cross Blood Drive – There is a great need for blood in our area and you can help by donating today (Thursday, 2/3) at our South Campus from 1-6pm. I’ve also heard that they are giving out $10 Amazon gift cards to everyone who donates. Even more reason to help save a life through blood donation!
3. Kids Takeover Weekend – The weekend of Feb 12/13 our Children’s Ministry Team and the kids they minister to will be engaged in various parts of our worship service. They have been preparing for this over the past few weeks and we are excited to encourage and affirm them, and to be ministered to by them! This weekend is one of the ways we seek to live out our core value of being an “intergenerational church.” We hope to see many of you here, if you are able to make it, to support and appreciate our Northgate kids and their leaders. Thanks!
4. Grief Share – There’s a new Grief Share group forming. It begins on February 15 and runs from 6-8:30 at 34 Williams Street in Batavia. Contact John Chadwick at 585-297-3009 or Patti Chadwick at for more information.
5. Connecting – We are always interested in helping attenders of our church to connect with others who may share a similar interest or experience. This is one of the ways we grow stronger. For example, we have a Caregivers group for people who provide care to an elderly adult. We have a Pickleball group that meets to play pickleball midweek. These are just two examples, and if you want to know more about them or other gatherings, just contact the church office at 343-4011.
We are also looking to expand our ability to help people connect. This is where you can help us. Perhaps you’ve been through something in life (raising a strong-willed child, wrestling through a difficult faith question, e.g.) and God taught you some valuable
things during that time, and you’d be willing to share that experience with others. Or maybe you have an interest that you’d like to be able to engage in with others (gardening, quilting, e.g.). Pastor Marsha is seeking to help link people up in these ways. Please contact her to share your thoughts on this or to find out more about it. You can reach her at
6. Carol McLeod Conference – We’re excited to announce that Carol McLeod will be joining us for a weekend this Fall (October 14/15). Carol will lead a women’s conference called “Authentic Faith: Embracing Genuine Faith When Life is Upside Down.” Carol is a well-known and much-loved Bible teacher, and we know this will be a blessing. This will be a wonderful event to which you can invite a friend! More details will be coming in the next few months.
7. Perspectives – Perspectives is a Biblical worldview course that is being offered on-line through Zoom. The course takes place on Monday nights from 6:30-9:30 and registration is required. You can learn more here:
8. Parenting Adult Children – Debbie Vick will facilitate a second rendition of the small group for parents based on the book Doing Life with Your Adult Children by Jim Burns. People who participated in this the first time found it really helpful. If you’d like to be part of this one, the group will meet in Room 2/3 from 8:30-9:30am starting this Sunday, February 6.
9. Women’s group/Men’s group – If you are looking to meet other people and learn and grow together, we have a women’s group and a men’s group meeting on Wednesday nights at 7.
The Women’s group (Women's Journey) just started a new 8-week study (as of February 2) called "Starting Point: A Conversation About Faith" by Andy Stanley. Beth Beale will facilitate. Women at all ages and stages of faith and life are encouraged to join us at North Campus on Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30pm. Contact Pastor Marsha for information about this small group – and others, including the one you feel led to start:
The Men’s group is planning a special event on February 19th – a men's breakfast at Cartwrights Maple Tree Inn near Angelica NY. Meet at Northgate/North at 7:45am and carpool at 8:00am from there. Mike (the group leader) is looking into getting a 12-passenger van for that day.
10. Care Team – Would you like to be part of a group that ministers to people through prayer and meeting practical needs? This really terrific group of people make sure that every prayer request that comes in is prayed over, cards are sent out to people who can’t get out or who need encouragement and practical needs are addressed whenever possible. If you’d like to be a part of this vital ministry please contact Pastor Marsha at
To learn more about these opportunities, or to suggest an idea for a group or a gathering, or to inquire about reserving space at the church or the pavilion you can always email the office ( or call 343-4011. You can check out our website too (
You Can Count on This – Romans 7:25 – Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! (Read Romans 7:7-25)
The verse I cite above is wonderful when read all by itself. But read it in context and it’s more than wonderful! It’s incredible! Praiseworthy! Outstanding! Mind-blowing! Fantastic! It’s all that and more! Because this verse of thanksgiving comes at the end of a passage in which Paul is writing about the power of sin in our lives. There is some discussion around whether Paul writes this about his wrestling with sin before his conversion to Christ, or after. I’ve always felt it reflected his (and our) ongoing struggles with sin after our conversion to Christ. Because though our sins are forgiven and we are saved by faith, we can still struggle against the sinful nature even as God through the Holy Spirit is making us the holy and righteous people He sees us as through Jesus.
Struggle with the sinful nature can be discouraging. But in a way it’s also affirming! We wouldn’t struggle if we didn’t know that sin is a bad thing, contrary to God’s will for us. And though we may struggle, we can also be assured that God is at work eradicating the sinful nature in us and making us increasingly like Jesus, if we will cooperate with Him in that work. This is why Paul ends this passage by shouting out his praise to God! Because although we may live on this earth in a body that wrestles with sin, we have been rescued from our sinful nature by the love, faithfulness and sacrifice of Jesus our Savior! Thanks be to God indeed!
When you’re not sure what you can count on in the world around you, know this: You can count on God keeping his word. So read what God has to say in scripture! And count on it.
Posted in Top 10
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