Top Ten - March 3
We’ll be observing communion this weekend. If you’re engaging with us online, please have your communion elements ready. Thanks!
1. Missions Night to Include Gerry McNamara, Worship & Dessert – On Thursday, March 10 at 6pm we will have the opportunity to hear from one of our Free Methodist missionaries who serves in Hungary. Gerry McNamara will be here to tell us what God has been doing there and to let us know how we can pray for the work of sharing Jesus in Hungary. We’ll also spend some time in worship and enjoy dessert. And I’m sure Gerry will want to share with us how the Free Methodist Church is helping the people of Ukraine during this time of war. We’d love to have a large group to encourage Gerry and hear what he has to say, so if you can make it, great!
2. Support the YWCA Domestic Violence Program – Pastor Chris has arranged for us to help support the YWCA DV program. Throughout Lent, we will be collecting new linens for them to use at their safe house. They are in need of sheets, pillowcases, towels and washcloths. They are also accepting donations of detergent. Items will be collected at both North and South. Thank you for helping with this local mission project.
3. Women’s Night of Worship – The women of Northgate are planning a Women’s Night of Worship for April 1. More details will be coming soon, but we wanted to give you a chance to get this on your calendar.
4. Men’s Pancake Breakfast – The Men’s group has rescheduled the pancake breakfast outing that was snowed out in February. The new date is March 12. They’ll be going to Cartwrights Maple Tree Inn near Angelica NY. Meet at Northgate/North at 7:15am and carpool at 7:30am from there.
5. Grief Share – A new Grief Share group has begun, but it’s not too late to join. The group meets on Tuesdays and runs from 6-7:30 at 34 Williams Street in Batavia. Contact John Chadwick at 585-297-3009 or Patti Chadwick at for more information.
6. Divorce Care – Also, a new Divorce Care group is forming. It will be held on Saturdays beginning March 5, from 6-7:30. The group meets in Room #1 at our North Campus. If you are interested and need more information you can contact John Chadwick at 585-297-3009 or Patti Chadwick at
7. Two “Women’s Night Out” Opportunities Coming Up – There’s a women’s night out with Jennie Allen (founder of “IF:Gathering”) coming up on March 25; also a separate women’s night out with Carol McLeod on the same date. For more information these contact the church office or Pastor Marsha at
8. Right Now Media Resources – We like to remind people that as a church we subscribe to Right Now Media, and as an attender at Northgate, this means you have access to thousands of videos on every subject of interest to a follower of Jesus! There are resources for Bible studies and for couples and families. You can find things specifically for children, youth, men and women. It’s all free to Northgate attenders but you do need a password, so if you haven’t gotten one yet, just contact the church office: or 344-4011 and Sherrie will be glad to help you.
9. A Way to Help the People of Ukraine – Please continue to be in prayer for the people of Ukraine and for a quick end to this war and for peace. If you’d like to do more, our Free Methodist Church has a “Bishops’ Crisis Relief Fund” that you can give to and designate the money for helping people in Ukraine. You can find the link to that site here:
10. Care Team – Would you like to be part of a group that ministers to people through prayer and meeting practical needs? This really terrific group of people make sure that every prayer request that comes in is prayed over, cards are sent out to people who can’t get out or who need encouragement and practical needs are addressed whenever possible. If you’d like to be a part of this vital ministry please contact Pastor Marsha at
To learn more about these opportunities, or to suggest an idea for a group or a gathering, or to inquire about reserving space at the church or the pavilion you can always email the office ( or call 343-4011. You can check out our website too (
You Can Count on This – Romans 9:2-4a – I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race, the people of Israel. (Read Romans 9:1-33)
In chapters 9, 10 and 11 of Romans we hear how deep Paul’s love for his Jewish brothers and sisters is. His heartfelt cry is that they all come to know the love, mercy and forgiveness that can be theirs if they will accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah and Savior. In the verses I cited above Paul tells us just how he feels. He’d give up his own salvation in Jesus if it meant that his people would accept Jesus. Of course, he can’t do that – give up his salvation in order to win the salvation of others – but we hear just how much he desires for others to know Jesus.
Paul’s passion is something that we can all learn from. We may not be called to be the missionary that Paul was, and we may not all feel things to the depth that Paul did, and we may not be as skilled at preaching, or as courageous at evangelizing, but we can pray to be willing to share Jesus with others. We can pray for the boldness to share. We can even pray for God to give us a passion to share Jesus. And we can most certainly pray for those who don’t yet know Jesus. Pray that God would reveal Himself to them and pray for God to open a door of opportunity for you to help others learn about and come to love Jesus as you do. We can all do that!
When you’re not sure what you can count on in the world around you, know this: You can count on God keeping his word. So read what God has to say in scripture! And count on it.
1. Missions Night to Include Gerry McNamara, Worship & Dessert – On Thursday, March 10 at 6pm we will have the opportunity to hear from one of our Free Methodist missionaries who serves in Hungary. Gerry McNamara will be here to tell us what God has been doing there and to let us know how we can pray for the work of sharing Jesus in Hungary. We’ll also spend some time in worship and enjoy dessert. And I’m sure Gerry will want to share with us how the Free Methodist Church is helping the people of Ukraine during this time of war. We’d love to have a large group to encourage Gerry and hear what he has to say, so if you can make it, great!
2. Support the YWCA Domestic Violence Program – Pastor Chris has arranged for us to help support the YWCA DV program. Throughout Lent, we will be collecting new linens for them to use at their safe house. They are in need of sheets, pillowcases, towels and washcloths. They are also accepting donations of detergent. Items will be collected at both North and South. Thank you for helping with this local mission project.
3. Women’s Night of Worship – The women of Northgate are planning a Women’s Night of Worship for April 1. More details will be coming soon, but we wanted to give you a chance to get this on your calendar.
4. Men’s Pancake Breakfast – The Men’s group has rescheduled the pancake breakfast outing that was snowed out in February. The new date is March 12. They’ll be going to Cartwrights Maple Tree Inn near Angelica NY. Meet at Northgate/North at 7:15am and carpool at 7:30am from there.
5. Grief Share – A new Grief Share group has begun, but it’s not too late to join. The group meets on Tuesdays and runs from 6-7:30 at 34 Williams Street in Batavia. Contact John Chadwick at 585-297-3009 or Patti Chadwick at for more information.
6. Divorce Care – Also, a new Divorce Care group is forming. It will be held on Saturdays beginning March 5, from 6-7:30. The group meets in Room #1 at our North Campus. If you are interested and need more information you can contact John Chadwick at 585-297-3009 or Patti Chadwick at
7. Two “Women’s Night Out” Opportunities Coming Up – There’s a women’s night out with Jennie Allen (founder of “IF:Gathering”) coming up on March 25; also a separate women’s night out with Carol McLeod on the same date. For more information these contact the church office or Pastor Marsha at
8. Right Now Media Resources – We like to remind people that as a church we subscribe to Right Now Media, and as an attender at Northgate, this means you have access to thousands of videos on every subject of interest to a follower of Jesus! There are resources for Bible studies and for couples and families. You can find things specifically for children, youth, men and women. It’s all free to Northgate attenders but you do need a password, so if you haven’t gotten one yet, just contact the church office: or 344-4011 and Sherrie will be glad to help you.
9. A Way to Help the People of Ukraine – Please continue to be in prayer for the people of Ukraine and for a quick end to this war and for peace. If you’d like to do more, our Free Methodist Church has a “Bishops’ Crisis Relief Fund” that you can give to and designate the money for helping people in Ukraine. You can find the link to that site here:
10. Care Team – Would you like to be part of a group that ministers to people through prayer and meeting practical needs? This really terrific group of people make sure that every prayer request that comes in is prayed over, cards are sent out to people who can’t get out or who need encouragement and practical needs are addressed whenever possible. If you’d like to be a part of this vital ministry please contact Pastor Marsha at
To learn more about these opportunities, or to suggest an idea for a group or a gathering, or to inquire about reserving space at the church or the pavilion you can always email the office ( or call 343-4011. You can check out our website too (
You Can Count on This – Romans 9:2-4a – I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race, the people of Israel. (Read Romans 9:1-33)
In chapters 9, 10 and 11 of Romans we hear how deep Paul’s love for his Jewish brothers and sisters is. His heartfelt cry is that they all come to know the love, mercy and forgiveness that can be theirs if they will accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah and Savior. In the verses I cited above Paul tells us just how he feels. He’d give up his own salvation in Jesus if it meant that his people would accept Jesus. Of course, he can’t do that – give up his salvation in order to win the salvation of others – but we hear just how much he desires for others to know Jesus.
Paul’s passion is something that we can all learn from. We may not be called to be the missionary that Paul was, and we may not all feel things to the depth that Paul did, and we may not be as skilled at preaching, or as courageous at evangelizing, but we can pray to be willing to share Jesus with others. We can pray for the boldness to share. We can even pray for God to give us a passion to share Jesus. And we can most certainly pray for those who don’t yet know Jesus. Pray that God would reveal Himself to them and pray for God to open a door of opportunity for you to help others learn about and come to love Jesus as you do. We can all do that!
When you’re not sure what you can count on in the world around you, know this: You can count on God keeping his word. So read what God has to say in scripture! And count on it.
Posted in Top 10
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