Posts with the category “weekend-snapshot”

Weekend Snapshot - September 14
by Amanda Spencer on September 14th, 2024
It has been so exciting to see a steady flow of children using the Northgate Playground during the week and on weekends. That playground is an amazing gift to both our church and the local community.Did you know that our backyard has even more to offer, and it's available to anyone who wants to use it?Our Communication Director, Amanda, recently put together this webpage with all the pertinent inf...  Read More
Weekend Snapshot - September 7
by Amanda Spencer on September 7th, 2024
We are so excited to have Andrea Moore starting on staff at Northgate this Monday, the 9th, as our Counseling & Care Director! She is going to do an amazing job and bring so much to the church and the team in this role. I wanted you to get to know her a little bit better, so here is a short interview that I did with her. JK: Tell us about yourself and your family.AM: I am married to my husband Lar...  Read More
Weekend Snapshot - August 31
by Amanda Spencer on August 31st, 2024
The last few years we have done a September fasting focus as we head into the new school year and programming seasons. This year our Free Methodist Bishops are calling on us to fast and pray together, so I am inviting you to join the larger Church as we do this together. Below is a message from our Bishops with the details. I hope that you will consider taking part in it!See you this weekend,Pasto...  Read More
Weekend Snapshot - August 24
by Amanda Spencer on August 24th, 2024
We can't run Northgate without our amazing volunteers! It simply wouldn’t happen. You all are what make this church such a great place to worship! Whether you love working with kids, guiding teens, serving coffee, greeting, managing parking, or helping with worship and tech, WE NEED YOU!A lot of times, especially in larger churches, people think that they aren’t needed. I can assure you that is no...  Read More
Weekend Snapshot - August 17
by Amanda Spencer on August 17th, 2024
Well here we are, 17 days in and so far so good! We are continuing to figure out what this new chapter looks like here, but the best parts have been the amazing love and support that you have shown me, and the incredible team that I get to work with. Thank you for making Northgate such an incredible place to serve and lead!One schedule note that I wanted to make sure that you see is the return of ...  Read More
Weekend Snapshot - August 10
by Amanda Spencer on August 10th, 2024
Thank you for all the great feedback about the new format for this! The vast majority of the credit goes to our Communication Director, Amanda, who is doing an awesome job in her first few months on staff here! As Pastor Vern has said many times, the team here is one of the many things that makes this job so incredible.I hope this newsletter will continue to be a valuable resource to keep you up t...  Read More
Weekend Snapshot - August 3
by Amanda Spencer on August 3rd, 2024
It’s John. I’m here in the office on my first day as Lead Pastor and more than anything else I continue to feel so grateful and humbled by the opportunity to lead and serve this incredible church in this new role! I look forward to this new chapter and all that God has in store for us!  As you can already see we are going to revamp Pastor Vern’s Top 10 format a bit. I wanted something that would h...  Read More