Top Ten - May 5

1. Early Birds Rummage Sale is Coming Up Time to find some bargains, and help support our Connected Community in Gahanda! The Early Birds Rummage sale opens tomorrow, May 6, and goes on through Saturday at our South Campus (350 Bank St. Rd.) Thank you to the Early Birds, volunteers, donators and bargain-hunters for supporting the wonderful work going on in Gahanda!

2. Exodus Study We’ve just started a new Bible study on Monday nights at 6:30. Pastor Vern is teaching through the book of Exodus. If you’d like to join us, we meet both in person (North Campus) and by Zoom. To get on the email list to get the notes before the study, and the Zoom link if you need it, let Pastor Vern know at

3. New Group for Couples Starting A new group geared to dating, engaged or married couples has started at North on Sundays at 9:30. The group will be studying The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. For more information visit the information table in the lobby or contact Pastor Marsha (

4. New 12:30pm Study “The Case for Miracles” – Pastor Vern is starting a new “The Case for…” book study on Sunday May 15 at 12:15pm. We studied The Case for Heaven last Fall, and this Spring we’re going to study The Case for Miracles. Everyone is welcome to attend and feel free to bring a lunch if you like.

5. Prime Time Time for another Prime Timers gathering. Everyone 50 years of age and older is welcome to bring a dish to pass and meet at North in the café on May 12 at noon. Pastor Vern is going to be sharing some pictures from the trip some of us took to Israel back in 2020 (prior to COVID, if you can believe that!). If you are an “older” person looking to make some good relationships this is a great opportunity. Hope to see you there.

6. Meeting for All Interested in Being Part of the “Set Free” Movement  Inspired by recent presentations at our church by Free Methodist missionaries Gerry McNamara and Kevin Austin, Northgate is launching a Set Free Team! We are in the early stages of praying and considering how we can "Live in the direction of freedom" together. If you want to help end human trafficking in our time and in our region, please join us for an organizational meeting on Sunday, May 29th, at 12:30p.m. in Meeting Room 2/3, North Campus. For more information, visit and/or email Pastor Marsha

7. Women’s Conference at Pearce Church The “Shameless Pursuit Women’s Conference” is going to be held on May 21 at Pearce Church in North Chili. Christian women of Western NY are invited to join this one- day Women’s Conference, which will consist of worship, breakout sessions with well-known Rochester speakers, and teachings from keynote speakers Kathryn Garrett and Bonnie Hoeflein. The conference runs from 9:30am-4pm. ASL will be provided. To learn more and sign up, go to

8. Prayer Groups You are invited to join with others to pray for our church and community on Wednesdays at 1 and Sundays at 9:30. The Wednesday Prayer Group prays for one hour in Meeting Room 1 at North Campus and on Sunday people gather in Room 4 for an hour and pray for our services and congregational needs. Everyone is welcome to either or both of these prayer meetings.

9. Men’s Bible Study On Wednesday nights at 7pm a group of guys from Northgate get together in Room #1 at North for a Bible study. Everyone is welcome and starting next Wednesday the group is beginning a new study in the book of Haggai. For questions contact Pastor Vern at

10. Homecoming Weekend! Our Northgate staff is hard at work planning a “Homecoming Weekend” on May 21 and 22. We envision this as a time we can gather as a church, invite friends, and encourage others who have been away a while to come and experience the blessings of being together. There will be food, games, activities for the kids and weather-permitting one large worship service under a tent in our backyard on Sunday! We’re really excited about this and hope you’ll plan now to be with us that weekend!

To learn more about these opportunities, or to suggest an idea for a group or a gathering, or to inquire about reserving space at the church or the pavilion you can always email the office ( or call 343-4011. You can check out our website too (
You Can Count on This – Romans 15:30 – I urge you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me.” (Read Romans 15:14-33)

“I’d like to help our missionaries, but I don’t have the finances to do that right.” “I wish I could do more to serve at the church.” “It’d be wonderful to be able to go to Rwanda and see what’s going on in Northgate’s Connected Community there, but I just can’t do that kind of travel.”

Sometimes people feel genuinely discouraged by not being able to do more in the church or in the area of missions. Time, family commitments, money issues, etc. can all get in the way of us doing as much as we’d like. But one thing we can all do, that doesn’t cost us anything and which we can find time for somewhere in our busy days, is to pray. And prayer may be the most important thing we do for the church or for missions.

Paul understood the need for and the power of prayer. That’s why he urges the Christians in Rome to pray for him. His ministry was dependent on the leading and provision of God and on the prayers of the people. By praying for him, he says, they are joining him in his struggle to carry the message of the gospel wherever God enabled him to go.

Perhaps today you’d be able to take some time and pray for our church, the ministries here, the staff and people of the church and the missionaries we support. And for whatever else God lays on your heart to pray about. Your prayers matter to us very much and we appreciate them! Thank you!

When you’re not sure what you can count on in the world around you, know this: You can count on God keeping his word.  So read what God has to say in scripture!  And count on it.
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